Sunday, November 15, 2009

Flying on a String

About a year ago or so, I saw an ad for a video tutorial series called extreme photoshop. It was like putting wings on elephants and just crazy stuff that you see in Photoshop magazines. Well this was my attempt to put wings on a squire. I didn't really like the back ground the squire was on so I wanted to use a different shot. I found this shot in my collection of pictures and thought it would be sweet if I had him land on a spider web line. So I tried.

10/16/09 4:47pm f/14, 1/320, ISO 200
This shot was taken in Idaho Falls. There is a round about with this statue/fountain with 2 eagles and a bob cat or some sort of cat towards the bottom.

10/16/09 5:59pm f/7.1, 1/80 ISO 200
I took this close to the Idaho Falls Temple. There is a park that goes along the falls in front of the temple and as I was walking around I saw spider webs all around and thought to take this shot.

5/21/09 11:11am f/3.7, 1/350 ISO 340
This is a squire. Not too big of a deal but I thought it was a pretty great shot of a little rodent.

Photolusion straight

Forgot the upper half
11/15 6:21 f/3.5, -1, 1/13 ISO 800

This shot was really fun to take. This is my nephew and his friend that came over to play after church and they were being a little too noisy during nap time for my baby so I took them out to the play ground to play. My nephew's friend laid down while sliding down the slide and he stopped and when I looked up at my nephew it looked like he was cut in half so I had them reenact the sliding down to make it look like his bottom half slide without his upper half. This was really fun to take. We had to do it a couple of times because he would keep sitting up or some part of his jacket could be seen in the picture.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My merged Panoramas

Boom there are my things of beauty. So you saw all the parts for the REXBURG STRAW MAZE.COM The other shot was pretty fun to take because the is a 360 degree shot. If you look at the far left and the far right you can see where they over lap a little bit. I played around with the saturation and the levels just a tad but nothing too major. I tried to make this into an HDR because I really liked out the clouds looked but it was really hard to try and get the 3 shots to line up, so I gave up. but I think this turned out pretty well.

Panorama shots

I took all these shots on manual setting. They were taken on November 6th at 5:15 pm
the setting were f/8, 1/125, ISO 200
There are 13 pictures all together.
I was told a while ago that if you use all manual setting on panoramas they turn out better. It's best to set the white balance on them as well because then Photoshop doesn't have to guess and try to match it all. It usually does a good job but I have had some parts of my panoramas that have turned out totally wack.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

2 page spread

I thought this spread worked well for this week. I changed the colors a little bit and learned a little bit more about photoshop. Great week.

7 shots this week

Fast Sunday (envy): 4:15pm, f/6.3, 1/13 ISO 800

Suturday (lil' LoveBug): 5:51pm, f/6.3, 1/60 ISO 800

Friday (blur Jack): 7:00pm, F/5, 3 sec. ISO 800

Thursday(Deathrow): 11:41am, f/5, 1/50 ISO 250

Wednesday (fists of Fury): 8:25pm f/3.5 1/20 ISO 800

Tuesday (Cherry) 11:36am, f/8, 1/125 ISO 200

Monday (Door) : 7:53am, f/3.5, 1/13 ISO 800

I think the hardest part of this weeks assignment was to take the pictures, everyday. If I had a little point and shoot then I think it would have been easier. Plus mid week my Tamron 18-270 came in the mail.. Have you ever noticed how similar the UPS man is to Santa Clause? Anyway it was fun having Halloween this week.