Sunday, November 8, 2009

Panorama shots

I took all these shots on manual setting. They were taken on November 6th at 5:15 pm
the setting were f/8, 1/125, ISO 200
There are 13 pictures all together.
I was told a while ago that if you use all manual setting on panoramas they turn out better. It's best to set the white balance on them as well because then Photoshop doesn't have to guess and try to match it all. It usually does a good job but I have had some parts of my panoramas that have turned out totally wack.


Anonymous said...

I like the subjects you chose for the photos. They look really good!

Kenzie - Ryan - Livee- Emmeline said...

This is so cool. I like how straw pops out of the picture. And I like the clouds too. I like the 360 shot too. The clouds are so pretty. Good job.