Sunday, November 15, 2009

Photolusion straight

Forgot the upper half
11/15 6:21 f/3.5, -1, 1/13 ISO 800

This shot was really fun to take. This is my nephew and his friend that came over to play after church and they were being a little too noisy during nap time for my baby so I took them out to the play ground to play. My nephew's friend laid down while sliding down the slide and he stopped and when I looked up at my nephew it looked like he was cut in half so I had them reenact the sliding down to make it look like his bottom half slide without his upper half. This was really fun to take. We had to do it a couple of times because he would keep sitting up or some part of his jacket could be seen in the picture.


Unknown said...

Ha ha! Very clever! It took a second to realize what was going on here but great job! Very original!

Kenzie - Ryan - Livee- Emmeline said...

This is so funny. Sometimes it feel like I forget my top half on slides and so I love this idea. Good job.